When you complete a credit transaction, why you get back the cash that is going to your processing companies? Merchant Cashback is committed to offering No Fee Processing for merchants. We will provide you with the best solutions for your business and are compliant with both state rules and regulations. If you’re already satisfied with the service level that you’re receiving from your current Credit Card Processing Provider, we can still help you reduce your credit card processing fees without switching providers!
Contact us now for more details on how to accept credit card payments without paying fees via a Cash Discount or Convenience Fee model.
High Risk Credit Card Processing
Both Founders of Merchant Cashback are industry veterans and High Risk Processing specialists. If you have a business that is considered High Risk, we can help you navigate the challenges that come with processing payments. We have the ability to get accounts approved for payment processing across a variety of industries. This includes, but is not limited too, nutraceuticals, skin care, digital downloads, multilevel marketing, travel, and digital downloads.
Merchant Cash Advances | Business Financing
Need business financing? Merchant Cashback offers businesses access to working capital. Get the money that you need to grow your business through our simple and reliable lending platform. We offer up to $250k with rates as low as 5.9%.